Private Lessons in Partick

Private lessons hours :


Cost : £60
For more information or to book a lesson CLICK HERE TO CONTACT BY EMAIL

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The Alexander Technique works by helping you to identify and prevent the harmful postural habits that aggravate, or may be the cause of stress, pain and under-performance. It is an effective yet simple and practical method for self-improvement and self-help.
Significant long-term physical & mental benefits could be gained from learning this method.
One to one lessons will address your individual needs, it is suitable for people of all ages.
An individual lesson lasts 45-50 minutes and will involve a gentle use of hands-on guidance and verbal explanations to help you find ease and balance within yourself in simple movements of everyday activities. Part of the lesson will include your lying down in the classic Alexander Technique semi-supine position, which allows maximum support and can offer relief from pain and discomfort. The number of lessons you take can be discussed and depends on particular needs and goals. About 20 individual lessons are the average amount to be taken in order to acquire the basics of this powerful self-help method.
Tai Chi Basic 8 Movements Form :
Take self-improvement & self-help further by learning this basic short form.
It could be practiced in a small space and easily integrated into daily routines.
It will only take a short time to practice and will help in improving balance, coordination, breathing, concentration and state of mind.